The Journal Entries

Journal Entries: Love, sexuality and devotion.

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Location: Caracas, Distrito Federal, Venezuela

Thursday, June 24, 2004

Going Numb

It's weird how I feel about last weekend.
One can said I spent a cool weekend for sure.
But then, what was the prize.

I'm still thinking about being unable to make a judgment
it was as if my brain went bonkers and I couldn't figure out how to act, what to say how to comply a simple act of reason.

That scared me.
Felt like being unable to speak, but instead of words I was unable to form toughts.

I was there and I wasn't

And that scared me a lot, and at the same time made me wonder.

I could be floating in open water, I could be falling from a thousand kilometer high I could be sleeping over earth, I was peacefully brain dead.

I was unable to make any judgment.

That scared me a lot.


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