The Journal Entries

Journal Entries: Love, sexuality and devotion.

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Location: Caracas, Distrito Federal, Venezuela

Friday, June 21, 2002

One of the very best songs from U2 - like a flow with a sad mood. Allthough the whole Zooropa-tour is about consciousness of the media/political culture, I think the most songs from the album are rather personal, strongly influenced by separations - the Edge and other friends - and the topic is about love, that goes together with cruel, blindness, wawes of joy, wawes of regret. About the love that is the only important thing in life and yet it hurts, you cannot live it out without hurting the one you love. One is a song from a person, who cannot hold on to his lover anymore. Love has left. And he reflects her thoughts about it giving him the blame, and he defends himself asking a lot. But conclusion is that there is only hurt left, and therefore he has to separate. But the song gets the strength from the strong feeling of the longing to be one, without being the same. There is this longing like an ideal, like a vision to live in one love, one blood, one need, the vision of the tensions to be overcome, when we carry each other. So sadness with anger and selfdefence go together with a longing, a vision. Thereby you feel the depth of the pain and you see the hard work you have to do yourself to care for your own love. And to the visionary part, Bono remembers, I think, Jesus telling his disciples, that they have to be One, like he is to his Father. (Joergen Lasgaard [1998 - 12 - 04])


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