The Journal Entries

Journal Entries: Love, sexuality and devotion.

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Location: Caracas, Distrito Federal, Venezuela

Monday, June 23, 2003

T. tried to hit on L.
I wonder if my reaction should be laugh or despair.
How long before a friend of mine tells me he had get laid with T.
Why should I care,
Why I care.

I'm trying to focus.
But the only think I can see is darkness.
K has been very busy these days.
He's closing doors, shutting down gateways and windows.
He's isolating himself again.
Darkness seems to permeat everything.
Even the world colors seems more faded to my sight.
or it will be the winter?
It's rainning in there.
Everything is dark and cold.
like that night.
my clothes smell of smoke and the fire is gone.
Why I always seems to be living that night over and over?!

K's commentary: Consider the ever increasing amount of energy spent in concealing our true self from others and even sometimes from us, cutting off our connection to our own feelings selectively to always present the socially acceptable role beneath which we hide the shame of being a flawed self.


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