This weekend I meet C.
C. is from C.R.
C. is 27 years old.
C. leaves with his ex-partner
I spent the weekend at his place.
It was cool.
C. is not straight.
He's smoking pot every 15min.
But he's cute.
Yesterday night I went to the Disco to find C.
C. was with another man.
It hurts
Well, I'm the one to blame.
End of the tale of C.
C. is from C.R.
C. is 27 years old.
C. leaves with his ex-partner
I spent the weekend at his place.
It was cool.
C. is not straight.
He's smoking pot every 15min.
But he's cute.
Yesterday night I went to the Disco to find C.
C. was with another man.
It hurts
Well, I'm the one to blame.
End of the tale of C.
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