The Journal Entries

Journal Entries: Love, sexuality and devotion.

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Location: Caracas, Distrito Federal, Venezuela

Monday, July 11, 2005

A series of unfortunate events!

Things to do:
  • Change models to include Capital Markets. That implies modifying the d-list of headoffice, marking the customers for capital markets and spreading the capital markets from console.
  • Entity 14, carrying the spreads down to customer level for risk and central costs.
  • adding to the macros the instructions to create de odbc connection.
  • Assuring that the data that is loading into the customers dimensions are less than 50 characters.
  • Adding some basic logic for testing purpouses.
  • Consolidating the batch files.
  • Running the models for february that I didn't run.
  • Running the models for november.
  • Creating the dts to load the output data into pln_stg for every model.
  • Creating Expected loss model.
  • Creating the macros to export the output cubes from the model.
  • Creating the dts routines to standarize data.


Well this is just to remind me I need to post about G.

It was great but I cannot stop of being cynical. After all, english words has no the same effect on me than their spanish counterparts.

Would I ever find someone enough top for me?

Silly humans.