Everything ok till I decide to return with T. (Yeahh, I know, I sucks)
Well, JC seemed distant (my fault), but he's such a cool guy wish I could keep as a closer friend.
D was ok too, I had a long talk with him an hour ago, we had a very long talk, he's very mature and so
cute (he even believes in God jajaja, but well, nobody's perfect), E, well, I saw E for the first time since
the last time (that sounded weird), but he looked as cute as ever, was very fond, we talked about K's job
and stuff, also enjoyed a dinner in his friend's house. Well wish my birthday would be spent with them, I wish
it would be T instead but it seems T has his owns plans, and I'm not included.
J knows who I am, wonder why he had'nt asked, well, meanwhile I'm enjoying the company, but I seem to detect
a hint of interest beyond one-stand, better cut that off before it's too late.
Well, feel down and happy, happy because there's people who can fill the emptyness I feel, sad because T no longer
fullfill that, guess nothing last forever, the question is when I would say "it's over, move on", seems I'm not able to say so,
and I keep missing the good days, the company, the warmth, the feeling loved feeling (should check my grammar more often).